Me and our kids |
Ok the pics with at Wichita Falls, TX after my sister in law's wedding. We stopped by the falls after the weekend of her wedding was over on way back home to OK. It was a lovely wedding. I"ll have to try to remember the pic of my girl dancing with her daddy when my girl is married! It was so cute! My girl and her cousin Gabbi were given a set of the brides maids flowers to see at the reception. They are so cute! And my boy making sure the girls weren't getting into trouble when they were off running around playing with the other girls just had to bring them to me to let me know they didn't take them they were given them to play with for a little bit. HAHA! He's such a great kid.
My handsome hubby with our kids. |
Kalista dancing with Daddy. |
LK Boo Club |
LK Boo Club a UFO. I love the way it turned out but I still need to get it framed.
| | | | | | Some how I got the pics out of order. HAHA! | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Gabbi (1 of their many cousins) My son Brayden, and daughter Kalista |
Nene is one of my favorite artist I have 5 pieces signed and her book. They frequent at one of my Dh's favorite local privately owned shops. But out of respect for the owner who isn't an art seller and of Nene and her Dh's privacy no I won't say where. When my DH was promoted almost 2 yrs ago he surprised me that instead of paying bills we were going out to pick out art from my favorite artist for the walls instead! I got to be doubly surprised when we
Accidentally ran into Steven in the store when we stopped in a shop my Dh's goes to a lot! Steven is a wonderfully sweet man and asked which pieces I was looking for. After talking for awhile, he was very patient with me, I decided on 5 pieces. Steven dropped them off to me and surprise Nene had signed them! And for my Bday last yr DH, the shop owner, ( I won't name his name), Steven and Nene shocked me with a signed copy of their first book! I always have to squee about that bit of luck. I never ever get lucky like that! So for me its truly a special treat!
I dyed this piece for a wedding sampler/record. I will have to do another in purple for another person. Both when done will be wedding presents. 1 however is already late. But she'll love it all the same. Doing the one that is upcoming first. I love the way the color turned out!